Degree Days

Degree Days

Weather Data for Energy Saving

Degree API Account Management

To sign up for a new Degree API account, please visit the pricing and signup page.

To access the API you need your API keys (account key and security key). These will have been issued to you immediately after you signed up for the API account, appearing on the web page at the end of the checkout process, and also in a welcome email sent to the email address you signed up with.

Payment receipts are sent automatically to the email address associated with your account. If they haven't come through, please check your spam folder and mark them as non-spam to increase the chances of future emails getting through. If you're still missing any receipts, please email us at so we can get the system to re-send them.

To change the email contact associated with your account, please email us at – we're happy to do this any time.

To change your payment method, or to cancel your account you need to visit your billing control panel with FastSpring (the company that manages all billing for us). There is a link to this in each of your payment-receipt emails. From the billing control panel you can find options to change your payment method (e.g. enter a new credit card) or cancel your account. There is no penalty for cancelling and your API access will continue to run until the end of the billing month or year that you've already paid for.

To upgrade or downgrade your account please email us at to tell us which API plan you would like to switch to. We can usually do it as soon as we see your email.

If a subscription payment fails (e.g. because of an expired credit card), the system will email you to let you know. Then, via your billing control panel (the link for which is included in each of your payment-receipt emails) you can enter a new payment method, which the system will bill immediately to keep your account active. If you want the system to try billing the same card again (e.g. if a payment failed because of an issue with your bank that you have now resolved), you'll need to re-enter the card details through your billing control panel, as if you were entering a new card. The system requires this to be sure that you want it to try billing the card again, as it doesn't want to risk automatically retrying failed billings in case your bank charges you fees for declined payments.

If your account has expired (which will happen a week or so after a failed payment), your billing control panel will no longer offer the option to enter new payment details. To get your API keys working again, the best thing to do is to sign up for a new account and then email us at to let us know that you would like us to configure your new account to use your original API keys. Once we've made that switch your system should start working again without you having to change anything in your code.

To access the Pro website (included with API Standard, Plus, and Premium accounts), please generate a Degree Pro link here.

For anything else of course please feel free to email us at at any time.

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