Degree Days
Weather Data for Energy Saving
The free Degree website is designed to be enough for basic needs, but we also offer several Degree products to cater for the more sophisticated needs of many energy professionals, multi-site organizations, academic/government researchers, and developers of energy software systems:
Degree Pro enhances the website to provide a more comprehensive service for the energy professionals who value the additional data, flexibility, and timesaving it enables:
Find out more about the Pro website
The Degree API enables other software systems and websites to fetch data from Degree automatically, and often in very large quantities.
Software developers often have an API account so they can program their systems to pull in degree days automatically. If you have an in-house software team or are using a third-party energy-software system, please send the developers a link to so they can find out more.
Energy professionals often have an API account so they can use pre-built software that fetches data from our API. For example, many energy professionals have an API account so they can download lots of data with our desktop app (see below).
Our desktop app lets you specify a big list of locations, and the degree days you want for each, and then it will quickly download all the data for you automatically using our API (see above). You need an API account to use it, but you don't need to know anything more about the API or how it works. You just copy in your API access keys (issued immediately after you sign up for an API account) so the desktop app can connect to the API and fetch all your data for you.
You might wonder how to choose between the Pro website and the desktop app... Well, we recommend the Pro website unless you need degree days for multiple locations at once. Then the desktop app will save you time, and more so the more locations you need data for. Here's why:
The Pro website offers "high-speed access", which enables it to generate data very quickly. But you still have to specify/generate/download your data one location at a time. For one or two locations that's fine, but for 10 locations it's a pain, especially if you have to do it regularly. For 100 or 1,000 locations it's a nightmare.
With the desktop app it's quick and easy. You can copy/paste in a big list of locations from Excel, and then relax (briefly) as the desktop app downloads all your data into a spreadsheet. You can save even more time by giving the desktop app a list of postal/zip codes or longitude/latitude positions and letting our system choose the best weather stations automatically. The demo video shows all this in action so you can quickly see how the desktop app can help you.
But what if you need the Pro website as well, for the regression tool or for hourly temperature data? Well, so long as you power the desktop app with at least an API Standard account (a good choice for most), you'll get free team access to the Pro website included. Your IT staff can use the API account for custom software development too if they like, so with one API Standard account you can take advantage of all the Degree products we offer!
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